ML Algo 2

ML Algo 2

Blog 2 of the Machine Learning Algorithms Blog series!!!


5 min read


In the exciting realm of machine learning, the journey from raw data to predictive models is a thrilling expedition marked by intricate algorithms and intricate mathematics. At the heart of this transformative process lies a fundamental optimization technique: Gradient Descent. In this blog, we will embark on a journey to unravel the intricacies of this powerful algorithm, shedding light on its mechanics, variants, and its importance in training machine learning models, all with the help of real-world examples that illustrate its significance.


Imagine standing on a mountainous terrain. Your goal is to descend to the lowest point, but there's a catch - you're blindfolded. To navigate, you rely on your sense of touch. You take small steps, feeling the slope beneath your feet. With each step, you move in the direction of the steepest descent, gradually making your way downhill.

This process of feeling the terrain, taking steps, and adjusting your direction represents Gradient Descent in the world of optimization. In machine learning, instead of a physical terrain, we have a mathematical landscape defined by a cost function. The steeper the slope, the larger the gradient, and the faster we adjust our parameters.

Real-world Example: Linear Regression

Let's apply this concept to a real-world scenario - predicting house prices based on square footage.

Data Preparation:

  • We gather data on various houses, noting their square footage and corresponding prices.

Feature Scaling:

  • Standardize the square footage data to bring it to a comparable scale with prices.

Model Training:

  • Initialize parameters (slope and intercept) randomly.

  • Calculate the cost function (e.g., Mean Squared Error) to measure the model's performance.

  • Compute the gradient of the cost function with respect to the parameters. This indicates the direction and magnitude of adjustment needed.

Iterative Adjustment:

  • Use the gradients to update the parameters. If the gradient is large, the adjustment will be significant; if it's small, the adjustment will be more subtle.

  • Repeat this process, each iteration bringing the model closer to the optimal parameters.


  • As the iterations progress, the cost decreases, indicating that the model is converging towards the best fit.


  • Once the model has converged, use the learned parameters to make accurate predictions on new data.

In this example, the "hill" represents the cost function landscape, with height representing the cost. The Gradient Descent algorithm helps us navigate this landscape, adjusting the parameters to find the lowest point i.e. the optimal solution.


  1. Initialization: We start at a random point in our parameter space. This is our initial guess.

  2. Calculating the Gradient: The gradient of the error function is computed concerning each parameter. This tells us the direction of the steepest ascent.

  3. Update Rule: The parameters are adjusted in the opposite direction of the gradient, scaled by a factor known as the learning rate. This ensures that we don't overshoot the minimum.

  4. Convergence Check: We evaluate whether the change in parameters is within an acceptable threshold. If so, we consider the process complete. If not, we repeat steps 2 and 3.

Learning Rate

The learning rate is a crucial hyperparameter that determines the step size in our descent. Too large a learning rate might lead to overshooting the minimum, while too small a rate can result in an unnecessarily prolonged descent.

Real World Example: Imagine you're training a chatbot for customer service. If you set the learning rate too high, the bot may quickly change its responses, leading to erratic behaviour. On the other hand, if you set it too low, the bot's learning will be painfully slow, frustrating customers. I have recently faced this issue while developing a chatbot

Types of Gradient Descent

  1. Batch Gradient Descent: This variant computes the gradient for the entire training set before performing a parameter update. It can be computationally expensive, especially for large datasets.

Real World Example: In medical research, you're analyzing a massive dataset of patient records to identify disease risk factors. Batch Gradient Descent allows you to optimize your model's parameters, providing valuable insights into patient health.

  1. Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD): Here, the gradient and parameter update are calculated for each training sample. This approach can be more computationally efficient but can introduce noise.

Example: In financial markets, you're building a predictive model for stock prices. Using SGD, you can efficiently adapt your model to rapidly changing market conditions, one data point at a time.

  1. Mini-batch Gradient Descent: This method strikes a balance by dividing the training set into small batches. It combines the advantages of both batch and stochastic gradient descent.

Real-World Example: In natural language processing, you're training a model for sentiment analysis on a large corpus of text. Mini-batch Gradient Descent allows you to efficiently process and optimize the model on subsets of this vast dataset.

  1. Momentum-Based Gradient Descent: Momentum introduces inertia to the parameter updates, helping accelerate convergence through regions with flat or erratic gradients.

Real-World Example: In weather forecasting, you're optimizing a model to predict storm patterns. Momentum-based Gradient Descent helps the model smoothly adapt to changing atmospheric conditions.

The Challenges Faced

1. Choosing the Right Learning Rate:

  • Challenge: Selecting an appropriate learning rate is crucial. Too high a value may overshoot the minimum, while too low a value may lead to slow convergence.

  • Handling: Techniques like grid search or automated algorithms (e.g., learning rate decay) can help find an optimal learning rate.

2. Local Minima and Plateaus:

  • Challenge: The cost function may have multiple local minima or regions where the gradient is almost zero (plateaus). These can lead to suboptimal solutions.

  • Handling: Techniques like stochastic gradient descent, momentum, or advanced optimization algorithms (e.g., Adam) can navigate around local minima and plateaus.

3. Feature Scaling and Standardization:

  • Challenge: Features with vastly different scales can cause the optimization process to be skewed towards the feature with the larger scale.

  • Handling: Standardizing or normalizing features ensures they contribute more equally to the optimization process.


Gradient Descent is the cornerstone of training machine learning models. Navigating the landscape of optimization guides us towards models that can make accurate predictions and uncover meaningful insights from data. As we continue to delve deeper into the realms of artificial intelligence, understanding Gradient Descent remains an essential compass for machine learning practitioners, enabling us to reach new heights in solving real-world problems.

I hope you've found this blog insightful.

Your time and attention are greatly appreciated!

ME: "Logistic Regression" you're next up!
