ML Algo 3

ML Algo 3

Blog 3 of Machine Learning Blog Series!!!


6 min read


Logistic Regression holds an important position in the world of Machine Learning because of its effectiveness in binary classification tasks. Despite its name, it's not a regression algorithm but rather a powerful tool for estimating probabilities and making categorical predictions. In this blog, we'll delve into the inner workings of Logistic Regression theoretically and explore its diverse applications through real-world examples.


At its core, Logistic Regression is a statistical model that predicts the probability of a binary outcome. It's particularly useful when the dependent variable is categorical and takes on only two possible values, often denoted as 0 and 1. The logistic function, also known as the sigmoid function, is employed to ensure that the predicted probabilities fall within the range of 0 to 1.

Real-world Example: Loan Default Prediction

Let's bring this concept to life with a practical example - predicting loan default.

Data Collection:

A bank collects data on various attributes of its borrowers. These attributes may include factors like income, credit score, employment history, and loan amount applied for.

Feature Engineering:

The bank engineers these features into a format suitable for the model. For instance, it may normalize income, categorize employment status, and encode credit score ranges.

Model Training:

Using historical data on previous loans, the bank trains a Logistic Regression model. The model learns the weights (coefficients) to assign to each feature to estimate the probability of a borrower defaulting on the loan.

Probability Estimation:

Now, when a new loan applicant applies, the bank uses the trained model to estimate the probability of that applicant defaulting on the loan.

Decision Making:

Based on the estimated probability, the bank can make an informed decision. For example, if the estimated probability is above a certain threshold (e.g., 0.5), the bank may choose to approve the loan with caution. If it's below the threshold, they may decide to deny the loan or request additional documentation.


  1. Sigmoid Function:

    • The logistic function is defined as P(Y=1)=11+e−zP(Y\=1)=1+e−z1​, where z=β0+β1X1+β2X2+…+βnXnz\=β0​+β1​X1​+β2​X2​+…+βn​Xn​ is the linear combination of input features and their respective coefficients.
  2. Probability Estimation:

    • The logistic function maps any real-valued number to a value between 0 and 1, representing the probability of the event occurring.
  3. Decision Threshold:

    • A decision threshold (often 0.5) is set. If the predicted probability exceeds this threshold, the model classifies the observation as belonging to class 1; otherwise, it assigns it to class 0.

Real-world Applications of Logistic Regression

1. Medical Diagnosis

In the field of medicine, Logistic Regression plays a pivotal role in diagnosing diseases. For instance, consider breast cancer diagnosis. By examining features derived from medical tests (e.g., tumor size, age, biopsy results), a Logistic Regression model can predict the likelihood of a tumor being malignant or benign.

2. Credit Scoring

Financial institutions use Logistic Regression extensively for credit scoring. When evaluating a loan application, banks consider various factors like income, credit history, and debt-to-income ratio. A Logistic Regression model helps quantify the risk associated with lending to a particular applicant.

3. Customer Churn Prediction

Businesses, especially subscription-based services, employ Logistic Regression to forecast customer churn. By analyzing customer behavior, engagement metrics, and satisfaction scores, companies can estimate the probability of a customer discontinuing their subscription. This insight enables targeted retention strategies.

4. Spam Detection

In email filtering, Logistic Regression aids in distinguishing between legitimate emails and spam. Features such as the sender's address, message content, and frequency of certain keywords are used to calculate the probability of an email being spam. Emails with a high probability are flagged as spam.

Handling Challenges

Logistic Regression is a powerful tool for binary classification, but like any other machine learning algorithm, it comes with its own set of challenges. Here are some of the common challenges in Logistic Regression and how to handle them:

  1. Multicollinearity:

    • Challenge: When predictor variables are highly correlated, it can lead to multicollinearity. This can make it difficult to determine the individual effect of each variable on the target.

    • Handling:

      • Conduct a correlation analysis and consider removing one of the correlated variables.

      • Use techniques like Principal Component Analysis (PCA) to reduce dimensionality and remove multicollinearity.

  2. Imbalanced Data:

    • Challenge: In real-world scenarios, the classes may be imbalanced, meaning one class occurs much more frequently than the other. This can lead to biased predictions.

    • Handling:

      • Use techniques like oversampling, undersampling, or generating synthetic samples (e.g., SMOTE) to balance the classes.

      • Adjust class weights during model training to give more importance to the minority class.

  3. Outliers:

    • Challenge: Outliers in the data can have a significant impact on the coefficients and predictions of Logistic Regression.

    • Handling:

      • Identify and handle outliers using techniques like Winsorizing or transforming variables (e.g., log transformation).

      • Consider using robust regression techniques that are less sensitive to outliers.

  4. Non-linearity:

    • Challenge: Logistic Regression assumes a linear relationship between the predictor variables and the log odds of the target variable. If the relationship is non-linear, the model may not perform well.

    • Handling:

      • Transform variables or create interaction terms to capture non-linear relationships.

      • Consider using more complex models like decision trees or support vector machines.

  5. Overfitting:

    • Challenge: If the model is too complex or the number of predictors is too high relative to the number of observations, Logistic Regression can overfit to the training data.

    • Handling:

      • Regularize the model using techniques like L1 (Lasso) or L2 (Ridge) regularization to penalize large coefficients.

      • Use cross-validation to tune hyperparameters and assess model performance.

  6. Missing Data:

    • Challenge: Logistic Regression requires complete data, so missing values in predictor variables can be problematic.

    • Handling:

      • Impute missing values using techniques like mean imputation, median imputation, or predictive modelling.

      • Consider using algorithms like Multiple Imputation to handle missing data.

  7. Interpretability:

    • Challenge: While Logistic Regression provides interpretable coefficients, it may struggle with complex, non-linear relationships.

    • Handling:

      • Use techniques like feature selection or dimensionality reduction to focus on the most important predictors.

      • Visualize relationships between predictors and the target variable.


Logistic Regression stands as a cornerstone in the world of binary classification. Its elegance lies in its simplicity and interpretability, making it a favored choice across various industries. By estimating probabilities and applying a decision threshold, Logistic Regression provides actionable insights for informed decision-making. From healthcare to finance, its applications are diverse and impactful, showcasing the enduring relevance of this fundamental machine learning technique. Embracing Logistic Regression is a testament to the enduring power of foundational algorithms in the era of data-driven decision-making.

I hope you've found this blog insightful.

Your time and attention are greatly appreciated!

ME: "Decision Trees" you're next up!